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atmos pink

☆new sneaker☆

Hello! atmospink Ikebukuro♡

Today, I would like to introduce some new sneakers!

HF5509 002 NIKE W AIR MAX DN8 ¥25,300    
HF5509 600 NIKE W AIR MAX DN8 ¥25,300
HF7310 004 NIKE AIR MAX DN8 (GS)  ¥22,770
HF7310 005 NIKE AIR MAX DN8 (GS) ¥22,770

In Dn8, Nike's Dynamic Air system is compressed into a sophisticated and thin package. Equipped with eight pressurized Air tubes, it provides excellent repulsion every time you step forward. These shoes allow you to experience the movement of different dimensions.

Please try it once.☆
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atmos pink
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