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Samantha Thavasa

Kuma no Pu's collection

Releases the popular "Kuma no Poo" collection every year from Samansa Tabasa.
Attention is paid to the lineup where you can feel each world view through various artworks.
"Kuma no Pu-san" collection is now available from Saman Satabasa.
From the artwork with plenty of world view of "Kuma no Poo"
A lineup of items that attract great attention to the expressions of "Poo" and "Piglet".
The design is based on the original drawing art from Samansatabasa. With the theme of letters to loved ones, the design is full of the world view, such as "Poo"'s favorite honey, honey pots, and bees flying around "Poo".
Pre-order sales of the "Kumano Pou-san" collection released on Thursday, August 3, 2023 at the store ahead of time.

Please feel free to contact us for more information about the product.♪
We look forward to your visit.
Samansa Tabasa Ikebukuro Parco Store
Tel: 03-5951-1733

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Samantha Thavasa