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This month's fortune-telling [January]

January issue of "The Fortune of the Month"

The person in charge of this month's fortune-telling January issue is Miku.

[Day of Appearance]
every Saturday

[Digital Method]
Thoth tarot, Western astrology, numerology, hand phase


In 2023, Lucky Star ☆Jupiter will stay in the constellation Les until May 17th.
The constellation Les is the first constellation of 12 constellations, so the best time to "start anew"!
There is a strong momentum to move forward energetically. If you have any challenges, we recommend that you start by mid-May 2023.

It's a good idea to look at your annual holoscope to see what kind of year it will actually be.
In the appraisal of the rainbow, you will be informed of your only one-year luck on a monthly basis.
If you know the overall trends of the year, such as work, love, health, and stress, you can make the most of your year 2023.
I'm waiting for you at Ikebukuro Parco 6F fortune-telling corner.
All the appraisers will be appraised with all your heart to make it a good year for you.

Well, that's the luck of January. Let's take a look at the constellation of your birth.

★★★This month's horoscope★★★


Lucky star ☆Jupiter stays in the constellation Les until mid-May.
This is an opportunity to take on the challenge of becoming "the self I want to be."
If you try to move forward aggressively, you will have a tailwind as if you were cheering.
Especially in January, work luck rose. The higher the target at the beginning of the year, the better.
If you send your thoughts to others, your influence will increase.


When learning luck is improved because stars gather where high learning and expertise are acquired.
Strive with a clear purpose, such as acquiring qualification tests and expertise.
Let's drive yourself stoic until the end. The tenacity that does not give up easily works.
Your efforts will lead to a rewarding achievement.


When a new door opens by feeling the invisible world.
When you access the subconscious, a huge amount of information comes from the universe.
Cut off your visible view, such as mindfulness, yoga, and zazen, and connect straight to your heart.
If you feel like "I want to go there for some reason", let's proceed with thinking that it is a sign that leads to "success" and "happiness".


When interpersonal relationships move actively. If you are looking for a partner, you will have an impactful encounter.
You may be a partner who enjoys work and hobbies together. If you have a partner, there may be events that test the bond between the two.
If you don't forget to respect each other, it will rain and solidify. The bond between the two will be even stronger.


When returning to neutral after adjusting both mind and body. The ups and downs of emotions, such as frustration and moyamoya, are the shaking of the mind that has come as a precursor to a big leap.
If you realize where your heart is inclined or in which direction you should correct it, take action to return your moaring emotions to zero.
If you stand up your own axis that does not break, you will power up.


When discovering "fun" in every day. In order to spend your days happily, be aware of "I want to do" rather than "I should do it".
Write your hope to make it visible, rather than vaguely dream in your head. I'm really excited about it.
If you turn the cycle of "I made it come true if I wrote it!", You will gain confidence and improve your daily life.


When you charge energy in a place where you can relax.
If you keep working all the time, your brain and your body will be tired, and your efficiency will tend to decrease.
It is recommended that you spend time forgetting your busyness and entering your own world. Refreshing with music, reading, cleaning, cooking, half-body bathing, etc.
If you charge it off, it will increase the brightness on it.


The perfect time to get hooked on what you are interested in. If you dig deeper, you will find a surprise discovery and it will be exciting.
If you work with pure feelings like a innocent child, you will improve to a professional-looking skill.
If you are really enjoying it, go in the right direction. The spirit of having fun will purify your mind.


When a big reversal is made with the imagination of the reversal. Let's reset old ideas and customs once.
When you hit a high wall, turn it upside down 180 degrees and observe it will give you an unexpected inspiration.
Don't reject it unless you have to hand, let's play a big game with its unique and bold imagination.

If you decide to work specifically, "I'll do my best here!", You will be able to aim for a world that is one step higher than ever before.
Just looking at the front is the key to success. I don't have time to stop. There is only progress while repeating trial and error.
Even if you are worried, let's proceed while complimenting yourself with the slogan "I can do it!"


When you make the undeveloped ability sleeping in yourself bloom. Psychology and meditation may be useful.
If you connect with what you are behind you, you will expand your possibilities you did not expect.
Connect with an invisible world with the intention of making 100% of your personality and charm.
Let's dig up your own personality with the intention of digging up the treasure.


When hope and dreams come true with the guidance of people. The luck of personal connections and the luck of selection shine.
Encounters come in the wind, so if you want new encounters or connections, be sure to be well-ventilated.
You may open the window of the room and change the air. If you are invited, please do not refuse and go to a place where people gather.
If you open your mind, you will be able to receive support from others.

I hope this month will be a fulfilling month for you too!    Beautiful rainbow
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